Weissenbaum's Eye - Stetten - Chapter 44
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    It's been a while since I've written and there is so much to tell. My life has been fulfilled in this past year, and I have felt no need to write, although I guess at first it was despair that stopped the ink from flowing. I sailed with my eyes up from the page.
    For so long I had been clinging, wanting to record it all, to write it down. I needed to remember everything, but then somehow there is one part that must accept itself without expression. It all goes in there anyway.
    But that is what I could not do alone.
    And so, I sailed and sailed, I don't remember what I thought, or whether I was making any progress, but my pursuits were mercifully put to sleep.
    I found a place on the ice where an Eskimo tribe has welcomed me. I have decided to live with them. The first time I beached my boat and walked into their village, I found a woman. She is now my wife. I have been taken into her tribe, and we are planning nothing more global than a family. She is healthy, beautiful and strong enough to make children we will be proud of. We do not speak the same language, but what she fears, and what she needs, run in me the same. I know that her laughter and sweet lovemaking will be enough for me.
    But still, sometimes down on the beach I keep my eyes fixed to the south, looking towards the future. After the new Culminate departs to find a planet of its own, the Earth shall still remain. I dream of when the billions will rise off their couches, and find each other, like bubbles joining or white lines drawn between the stars. I have begun to sail again, to seek out the whales and their strange guest, the diamond that they carry, the ghost of the Culminate. I first encountered it when the whales and dolphins led me out to sea. Its mission here on Earth is to convince Benjamin Holly to become another Culminate, and free us from the medium. Whether or not it succeeds, I am still thankful for one thing. For it convinced the whales to trust me once again.
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